What can I do with TheFragebogen?

TheFragebogen was developed to easily implement scientific questionnaires using HTML5 and JavaScript. An overview on available functionality and use cases is given in the paper TheFragebogen: A Web Browser-based Questionnaire Framework for Scientific Research. Also take a look at the provided examples/demos.

In difference to cloud-based system, TheFragebogen allows to implement questionnaires that can be used without requiring any infrastructure (e.g., network access, servers etc.). Also it is not necessary to share the collected data with any third-party server.

What does TheFragebogen require?

At least a HTML5-capable web browser (almost any modern web browser). Preferable one supporting the JavaScript standard ES6 or later.

TheFragebogen also runs in web browsers on mobile devices. For laboratory experiments on Android, there exists an app (code) that disables screen rotation and adaptive brightness. This app implemented and used for experiments on Quality of Experience.

How do I implement a questionnaire?

You can start by reading the getting started section.

My questionnaire does not start. What can I do?

Please check that:

If your web browser only supports ES5, please use thefragebogen.es5.js.

How can I debug a questionnaire implemented using TheFragebogen?

You can either use your favorite web browser development tools (e.g., Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, or Opera etc.). In the standard configuration, TheFragebogen uses console.{log, info, error} (see MDN).

How can I ask a question?

Please create an issue on the issue tracker and tag it with question.

How can I report a bug?

For bugs, please create an issue on the issue tracker.
This should include at least:

Before report a bug, please verify that the issue is and NOT with:

How can I submit a patch?

Please create a pull request.
Please create one pull request for each related change.
If you want to submit multiple changes (not related with each), please open multiple change requests.

Release cycle?

Up until now there is no planned release cycle. If new features are added a new release is created.

The goal is to keep the API as stable as possible.

What can I do to support TheFragebogen?

Use it.
Be happy.
Share your improvements.